DS-5 v5.20官方开发工具Linux 64位
软件大小:1.2 G | 软件性质: 免费软件 |
更新时间:2014/12/9 17:49:56 | 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP |
下载次数:11997 | 下载来源:完美体育·(中国)手机网页版科技 |
软件语言:英文 | 软件类别:ARM软件工具 > Arm DS-5 |
DS-5 5.20更新日志
ARM DS-5 Development Studio version 5.20 build 5200024 dated 2014/10/22
This is a summary of the new features and other major changes in this release:
Supported Host Platforms
- Ubuntu Desktop Edition 14.04 LTS (64-bit) is added as a supported host platform
- Ubuntu Desktop Edition 10.04 LTS (32-bit) is no longer supported
- ARM Compiler 5.05 adds support for Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server 2003 is no longer supported
- updated to ARM Compiler 5.05 for latest improvements and bug fixes
- for further information on changes seehttp://infocenter.arm.com/help/topic/com.arm.doc.arn0005q/index.html
- updated to ARM Compiler 6.00u2 (for embedded and bare-metal code for ARMv8-A processors, DS-5 Ultimate Edition only)
for further information on changes see file
in the DS-5 installation directory - Eclipse IDE is extended with the capability to register and use different versions of ARM Compiler and gcc than the versions supplied
- add_toolchain command allows registering new compiler toolchains, in addition to those pre-supplied with DS-5, from the command line (DS-5 Command Prompt on Windows, viasuite_exec on Linux)
- select_toolchain and select_default_toolchain commands allow selecting a compiler toolchain from the command line (DS-5 Command Prompt on Windows, via suite_exec on Linux)
user space gator (beta) support for:
- Annotations
- Custom counters
- onlining/offlining of cores
- hwmon counters, filesystem counters, Linux counters
- OpenCL kernel tracing for Mali GPU and ARM NEON
- reduced probe effect of gator by about 15%
- chart generation from the ftrace buffer using regex expressions
- automatically copy and run gatord on the target
- execute a command on the target from Streamline
- adds support for Mali-T7xx (also available in 5.19.1)
- support Android Runtime (ART) images
- ADB devices appear in the Connection Browser
- Stack and Call Graph views removed
- includes gator version 20
- MMU awareness is extended to support ARMv8 (DS-5 Ultimate Edition only)
- DS-5 Debugger python scripting is extended with methods to access the MMU:listTranslations and translate
- cache viewing is extended to support L1 cache on Cortex-A53 and L1 and L2 caches on Cortex-A57 when using hardware targets
- cache viewing is extended to support L1 and L2 caches on Cortex-A53 and Cortex-A57 when using Fast Models version 8.4 / 9.0 or later
- added OS awareness for Mentor Graphics Nucleus® on ARMv5, ARMv6M and ARMv7 architecture devices
- OS awareness for Quadros Systems RTXC is extended to ARMv7M architecture devices
- trace support is available when using simulation models
- new assemble command is added to allow ARM assembly to be written directly to memory
new device support for:
- Cortex-M7
- Dual Arria V SoC (2 Dual Core SoCs)
- Dual Cyclone V SoC (2 Dual Core SoCs)
- Cortex-M Prototyping System (MPS2) Cortex-M7 (SMM-M7)
- Cortex-M Prototyping System (MPS2) Cortex-M7 (SMM-M7CS)
- VE_Cortex_M7 FVP Model
- Marvell 88i9346
ULINK2, ULINKpro ULINKpro D and CMSIS-DAP support added to:
- Cortex-M Prototyping System (MPS2) Cortex-M0
- Cortex-M Prototyping System (MPS2) Cortex-M0+
- Cortex-M Prototyping System (MPS2) Cortex-M1
- Cortex-M Prototyping System (MPS2) Cortex-M3
- Cortex-M Prototyping System (MPS2) Cortex-M4
- Cortex-M Prototyping System (MPS2) Cortex-M7 (SMM-M7)
- Cortex-M Prototyping System (MPS2) Cortex-M7 (SMM-M7CS)
DSTREAM trace support added to:
- Versatile_Express_A53x2_SMM
Fast Models trace added to:
- Cortex-A8
- VE_AEMv8x1
- VE_AEMv8x4
- VE_Cortex_A9x4
- new 4.20.0 version of firmware included
- new High-Speed Serial Trace Port (HSSTP) probe for DSTREAM supporting ARM HSSTP and Marvell SETM serial trace protocols
- bare-metal ARMv8 SMP start-up code example added that initializes the system in AArch64 EL3 then launches an AArch32 SMP application in EL1: startup_ARMv8_AArch64_with_AArch32_app
- bare-metal start-up code added for Cortex-A17 MPCore: startup_Cortex-A17MPCore
- bare-metal start-up code added for Cortex-M7: startup_Cortex-M7
- all example Linux applications are now built for both hardfloat and softfloat
- Cortex-M examples for MPS boards are updated to also run on MPS2 boards
- CoreSight Access Library demo is enhanced to capture trace for all cores by default, and now includes an example trace capture for Versatile Express Cortex-A15x2+A7x3 (TC2)
- Cortex-A9 bare-metal example projects are now compatible with the supplied Cortex-A9 FVP simulation model
DS-5 5.20重要说明:
(4)获取DS-5旗舰版(支持ARMv8 64位结构)30天全功能评估license,请参考:http://bbs.myir-tech.com/thread-6183-1-1.html。
(6)2013年6月20日起,新申请的试用版许可证不能在 DS-5 以前的版本中使用,即 DS-5 v5.14 及以前的版本都不能使用2013年6月20日以后申请的许可证,需下载 DS-5 v5.15 及以上版本方可使用。
(7)如果使用正式版网络许可证(floating license),客户端安装了DS-5 v5.20,服务器的flexnet工具必须要更新到“FLEXnet_11.12.1.0”及其以上版本。
(8)该下载地址的 DS-5 版本适合安装在Linux 64位系统上,下载其他三个版本: