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Keil MDK-ARM 5.12 开发工具

软件大小:424 MB 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2014/12/22 15:27:34 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP
下载次数:32202 下载来源:完美体育·(中国)手机网页版科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:ARM软件工具 > Keil MDK

Keil MDK 5.12 更新内容:

The following sections list the changes instituted in each release of the Keil ARM toolset.

MDK Version 5 is capable of using MDK Version 4 projects after installation of the Legacy Support. This adds support for ARM7, ARM9, and ARM Cortex-R processor-based devices.

MDK-ARM Version 5.12

Release Date: 24th September, 2014

This MDK version introduces support for ARM Cortex-M7 processor based devices.

Note: The STM32 Device Family Packs Version 1.x.x are incompatible with CMSIS Version 4.2.0 and MDK-Middleware Version 6.1.1. The compatible STM32 Device Family Packs Version 2.x.x will be released shortly. The application note 266 Using Keil MDK v5.11 with STM32 devices describes how to use the older STM32 Device Family Packs.

  • [uVision]
  • [Software Packs included]
    • CMSIS Version 4.2.0Cortex-M7 related updates to CMSIS-CORECMSIS-DSPCMSIS-PACK andCMSIS-SVD.
    • MDK-Middleware Version 6.1.1: Driver Network/Driver/ETH_KSZ8851SNL.c corrected an invalid power status in function MAC_PowerControl.
  • [ARM Compiler]
    This MDK release contains two ARM Compiler versions that can be selected in the dialog Project - Options for Target - Target (under Code Generation):
    • ARM Compiler 5.05 (build 41) (in directory ..\ARM\ARMCC\) with support for Cortex-M7 and other enhancements (see release notes).
    • ARM Compiler 5.04u2 (build 82) (in directory ..\ARM\ARMCC_504u2\) for safety critical applications in combination with the ARM Compiler Qualification Kit (only available with a license for MDK-Professional).
  • [FlexNet Floating Licenses]
    • Customers using FlexNet floating licenses are required to update their license server software toVersion 11.12.1 or higher.
      Using older versions of the FlexNet license server will result in error messages by the ARM Compiler tools.
      FlexNet Licensing error:-96,7. System Error: 11001 "Comm. error"
    • FlexNet Version 11.12.1 License Server tools for Windows are located in the directory..\Keil\UV4\FlexNet. For other operating systems please contact support.
  • [Target debugging]
    • Updated: Segger J-Link driver for ARM devices to version 4.91b.
    • Updated: NuLink software to version 6.3.14
    • Updated: STMicroelectronics ST-Link driver for STMicroelectronics devices to version
    • Updated: ULINKPro\ULINK2\CMSIS-DAP driver to support Cortex-M7 based devices.
  • [Supported Operating Systems]

MDK-ARM Version 5.11a

Release Date: 17th June, 2014

This MDK release includes the Software Packs CMSIS Version 4.1 and MDK-Middleware Version 6.0 that are incompatible with the current STM32 Device Family Packs. The application note 266 Using Keil MDK v5.11 with STM32 devices describes the reasons and the resolution.

    This MDK release includes the following fixes over MDK Version 5.11:
    • Updated μVision (V5.11.1.0):
      • gpdsc file reload problem fixed (Infineon DAVE3)
      • Select Software Packs dialog control via keyboard fixed
    • Updated SystemViewer.dll (V2.28.0):
      • Periodic window update for child elements fixed
      • Abort on Display of LPC4300 GPIO registers fixed