Keil MDK-ARM 5.21a uVision5开发工具
软件大小:604.7MB | 软件性质: 免费软件 |
更新时间:2016/8/22 10:44:57 | 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP |
下载次数:27403 | 下载来源:完美体育·(中国)手机网页版科技 |
软件语言:英文 | 软件类别:ARM软件工具 > Keil MDK |
Microcontroller Development Kit - Version 5.21a
- [ARM Compiler]
- ARM Compiler 5.06u3. Refer to ARMCC 5.06u3 Specific Release Notes for details.
- ARM Compiler 6.5 Refer to ARMCLANG 6.5 Specific Release Notes for details.
- [Software Packs included]
- ARM - CMSIS 4.5.0 same as in MDK - Version 5.20.
- Keil - ARM Compiler Extensions 1.1.1 adds support for ARM Compiler 6 and ARMv8-M architecture.
- Keil - MDK Middleware 7.2.0
- Network Component 7.2.0 provides now three variants, selectable in the Manage Run-Time Environment dialog:
- MDK-Pro supports IPv4, IPv6, SSL/TLS. Migration of projects that use API of Network v6 is supported using the Legacy API.
- MDK-Plus supports IPv4. Migration of projects that use API of Network v6 is supported using the Legacy API.
- MDK-Pro Net_v6 supports IPv4 and uses the API of Network v6. Select this variant to maintain older projects without migration.
- FileSystem Component 6.8.0 enhances for FAT-32 speed of 'mount' operation for removable media; adds for EFS uniform flash sector.
- USB Component 6.8.0
- USB Host adds notification functions for each supported class and extends the API with functions to get additional device information.
- USB Device adds user notifications for device events and Interface Association settings for Custom Class.
- [Target debugging]
- Updated: Segger J-Link driver for ARM devices to version 6.00.
- Updated: debug support for the Texas Instruments XDS110 debug probe that is used on the TI MPS432 Launchpad to version 1.0.2.
- Added: ULink2/ULink-ME and CMSIS-DAP debug support for ARMv8-M based devices.
- [uVision updated to V5.21.0.0]
- Extended: UVSOCK functionality to output data on selectable ITM channels.
- [Supported Operating Systems]
- Refer to System Requirements Overview for hardware and operating system requirements.