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完美体育·(中国)手机网页版 > 下载中心 > ARM软件工具 > Arm DS-5 > DS-5 v5.25官方开发工具 Windows 32-bit

DS-5 v5.25官方开发工具 Windows 32-bit

软件大小:1.07GB 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2016/9/1 11:54:13 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP
下载次数:10351 下载来源:完美体育·(中国)手机网页版科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:ARM软件工具 > Arm DS-5

What's New V5.25
This is a summary of the new features and other major changes in this release:
ARM Compiler

  • Updated ARM Compiler 6 to version 6.5 and ARM Compiler 5 to version 5.06u3, adding support for latest processors, substantial optimizations and bug fixes.

DS-5 Debugger

  • Added debug support for ARMv8.2-A.
  • Added cache Visualisation for Cortex-A5, Cortex-A7 and Cortex-A73 Cores.
  • Enhanced support for ELA-500 with DS-5 use-case scripts.
  • Support for debugging code overlays (Cortex-R only).
  • Visualization of function arguments and local variables in the Stack view.
  • Updated the Jython script interpreter to version 2.7.0
  • Latest bug fixes and improvements for all supported debug probes (DSTREAM units require updating with firmware version 4.29.0, as shipped with this version of DS-5).
  • New device support for:
    • Atmel SAMA5D2
    • NXP i.MX7 Dual
    • NXP LS1043A-RDB
    • Phytec i.MX7 Dual
    • Renesas RZ/T1 R7S910x25, R7S910x26, R7S910x27, R7S910x28

Full set of target platforms supported by DS-5 can be found on https://developer.arm.com/products/software-development-tools/ds-5-development-studio/resources/supported-devices.
ARM Streamline Performance Analyzer

  • You can now forward capture sessions from Streamline to Mali Graphics Debugger.
  • Additional parameters for command line report mode generation.
  • Cortex-A73 support.

Simulation models

  • Updated Fixed Virtual Platforms (FVPs) to version 10.0 (64-bit installation only).
  • Extended the set of supplied FVPs to provide virtual platforms for architectures ARMv6-M, ARMv7-A/R/M and ARMv8-A (64-bit installation only). Some virtual platforms require DS-5 Ultimate Edition.

Eclipse IDE

  • Updated LDRAlite™ to version 9.5.6 for the latest MISRA coding standards compliance checks.
  • Many improvements to the user experience of configuring build options of C/C++ projects using the ARM Compiler 5 and ARM Compiler 6 toolchains.

Mali Graphics Debugger


  • Updated RTX-A9 RTOS to version 4.80.
  • Added new bare-metal startup code for Cortex-A32, Cortex-A35 and Cortex-A73.
  • Added new example demonstrating building and debugging an application using code overlays, as supported by ARM Compiler 6.5.
  • Added startup code and example applications that compile with the GCC bare-metal toolchain (not supplied with DS-5).
  • Added example scripts to support the use of the Embedded Logic Analyzer ELA-500.

The following features are deprecated and might be removed in a future release
Linaro GCC Toolchain 4.8-2014.04

Windows 32-bit host platforms

  • Support for Windows 32-bit host platforms is deprecated and will be removed in a future DS-5 release

Additional core support

DS-5 v5.25 Professional and Ultimate Editions support cache visibility for Cortex-A5 and Cortex-A7 cores. Ultimate Edition also supports cache and MMU visibility for Cortex-A73, and debug support for ARMv8.1-A and ARMv8.2-A cores.

Additional Fixed Virtual Platforms

DS-5 v5.25 Professional Edition includes a license for single-core Cortex-M3 and Cortex-R4 Fixed Virtual Platforms (FVP). Ultimate Edition now includes a license for a wide range of single-core, multi-core, and big.LITTLE FVPs. The virtual platforms are delivered as part of the DS-5 installation package.

Core Family

Fixed Virtual Platform





FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M0, FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M0plus, FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M4, FVP_MPS2_Cortex-M7




FVP_VE_Cortex-R5x1, FVP_VE_Cortex-R7x1, FVP_VE_Cortex-R8x1




FVP_VE_Cortex-A5x1, FVP_VE_Cortex-A7x1, FVP_VE_Cortex-A15x1, FVP_VE_Cortex-A15x4-A7x4, FVP_VE_Cortex-A17x1


FVP_Base_Cortex-A53x1, FVP_Base_Cortex-A57x1, FVP_Base_Cortex-A72x1, FVP_Base_Cortex-A73x1, FVP_Base_Cortex-A32x1, FVP_Base_Cortex-A35x1, FVP_Base_Cortex-A57x2-A53x4, FVP_Base_Cortex-A72x2-A53x4, Cortex-A73x2-A53x4, FVP_Base_AEMv8A

Foundation Platform (v8) Not license managed

Revised Host Support

DS-5 v5.25 adds support for Windows 10 64-bit and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Workstation 64-bit. Support for Linux 32-bit hosts has been dropped in this release.