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Keil MDK-ARM 5.22 uVision5开发工具

软件大小:680M 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2016/11/28 16:50:37 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP
下载次数:28792 下载来源:完美体育·(中国)手机网页版科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:ARM软件工具 > Keil MDK

Microcontroller Development Kit - Version 5.22
This release includes support for Cortex-M33 and Cortex-M23 devices based on the ARMv8-M architecture. For using Cortex-M33 and Cortex-M23 a MDK-Professional Edition is required.

  • [ARM Compiler]
  • [Software Packs included]
  • [FlexNet Floating Licenses]
    • Customers using FlexNet floating licenses should update the FlexNet License Server to version This FlexNet server version is mandatory for upcoming tool releases.
    • FlexNet Version License Server tools for Windows are located in the directory ..\Keil\UV4\FlexNet. Refer the FlexLM licensing knowledgebase article for more information.
  • [Target debugging]
    • Updated: Segger J-Link driver for ARM devices to version 6.10i.
    • Updated: P&E Micro driver to version 6.03.
    • Updated: NULink driver to version 2.00.6561.
    • Added: Event Recorder Support.
    • Improved: support for V8M based CPUs.
    • Improved: Core peripheral dialogs.
  • [uVision updated to V5.22.0.0]
    • Added: Event Recorder that shows dynamic execution status and event information which helps to analyze the operation of software components. The required annotations are implemented in debug variants of the MDK middleware.
    • Added: Cortex-M23 and Cortex-M33 processor support.
    • Enhanced: Core peripheral dialogs (Secure/Non-Secure MPU, SysTick, SAU, NVIC) for ARMv8-M based devices
    • Enhanced: Debug status bar displays Debug and Core security status for TrustZone for ARMv8-M enabled devices
    • Enhanced: New PC-Lint configuration option to add project target and compiler specific preprocessor symbols