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KEIL MDK5.31 uVision5开发工具

软件大小:876M 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2020/7/27 15:04:02 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP
下载次数:21443 下载来源:完美体育·(中国)手机网页版科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:ARM软件工具 > Keil MDK




MDK V5.31

对比于MDK V5.30,MDK V5.31修复了MDK V5.30的多个bug,并提高了多个项


1、当打开的文件并不属于当前项目。文件会以 图标    作为标记。


What's new in MDK v5.31

Bug Fix Release for MDK v5.30
Improved Editing in Multi-Project Workspaces

Keil MDK is the most comprehensive software development solution for Arm-based microcontrollers and includes all components that you need to create, build, and debug embedded applications.

MDK Version 5.31 is mostly a bug fix release for MDK v5.30. It also improves editing experience in multi-project workspaces (marked as New! in the μVision section) and features an enhanced version of the source browser (see video below). Other features described on this page refer to updates introduced in MDK 5.30.

Video: Enhanced Source Browser with Arm Compiler 6:

Source Browser Video 

Support for Arm Cortex-M55

Webinar: Getting started with Arm Cortex-M55 - hands-on demo of the development flow available with Arm tools covering:

  • New architectural features of the Cortex-M55 processor
  • How to benchmark an application using Cycle Model
  • How to run the application on an FPGA prototyping board
  • How to optimize your code with Keil MDK debug features
  • How to use FVP simulation models to do code coverage

Arm Compiler 6.14

Added support for Arm Cortex-M55 and performance improvements of compiler workloads for DSP and ML applications.

Software Packs

MDK v5.30 is shipped with the following software packs:

MDK-Middleware 7.11.1

The following changes have been made:

File System Component

  • minor optimizations and fixes in fdefrag (EFS only)

Network Component

  • added support for multiple LAN interfaces (Ethernet, WiFi) that can be used simultaneously
  • reworked network system viewer in debugger, added status view for multiple network interfaces

USB Component

  • USB Host: Added abort functionality to CDC ACM transfers

Graphics Component

  • Updated: Graphic library V6.10h (libraries built with GUI_USE_ARGB = 0, GUI_SUPPORT_BIDI = 0)


  • New!  Improved editing experience in multi-project workspaces:
    • Files open in the editor but not belonging to the active project are marked with a special icon b_uv4_not_in_active_project
    • Dynamic syntax checking and source browsing are disabled for files that are not part of the active project to avoid conflicts.
  • Added M-Profile Vector Extension window:
    M-Profile Vector Extension Window
  • Arm Compiler 6 is now the default compiler for all Arm Cortex-M based devices when starting a new project. For Armv6-M and Arvm7-M devices, Arm Compiler 5 can be selected.
  • MDK-Essential and MDK-Lite additionally support secure and non-secure programming for Armv8-M.
  • Introduced support for CPRJ and layers for continuous integration (CI) workflows using CMSIS-Build.
  • Improved FreeRTOS debugging: thread collection and stack unwinding.
  • Added support for the unprivileged debug extension (UDE)
  • Event Statistics: fixed a bug in thread events timing
  • Code Coverage now available with FVP simulation models

Debug drivers and models

Various new features and updates are available for ULINK and CMSIS-DAP debug adapters. Refer to the release notes for further information. Fixed Virtual Platforms (Fast Models) have been updated to version 11.10.22.

For third-party debug adapters, the following updates are available:

  • Segger J-Link debug drivers 6.70e
  • Nuvoton NULink debug drivers v3.02.6990