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ULINK2 仿真器使用手册

软件大小:800 KB 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2013/4/28 11:54:21 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP
下载次数:13118 下载来源:完美体育·(中国)手机网页版科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:ARM仿真器 > ULINK2

TheULINK2 User's Guidedescribes theKeil ULINK®2 USB-JTAG Interface Adapterand contains detailed instructions for the hardware and software configuration. ULINK2 is a small hardware adapter that connects the USB port of the PC to the JTAG or OCDS debugging port of the target hardware. Use ULINK2 to:

  • Debug and test programs on target hardware.
  • Program on-chip or external Flash memory of many devices.

This book contains the following chapters:

  • Introduction gives an overview of the ULINK2 USB-JTAG Adapter features, requirements, limitations, supported devices, and CoreSight™ Technology.
  • Hardware Description describes the ULINK2 Adapter components, and the start and reset sequences.
  • Setup ULINK2 shows the ULINK2 connection interfaces, how to install ULINK2, and the configuration settings needed to debug on ARM or Cortex-M devices.
  • Setup Flash Programming describes the Flash download configuration and explains how to create a new Flash Programming Algorithm. Lists the existing Flash algorithms.
  • Using ULINK2 describes how to download and debug programs on target devices, and explains target chaining.
  • Configure Cortex-M Devices for Tracing explains the settings needed for enabling trace by means of certain devices.
  • μVision Windows shows the trace capturing and displaying capabilities of ULINK2, and the μVision windows used to visualize and analyze data.
  • Real-Time Agent allows to view and modify the target board's memory contents on-the-fly. Step-by-step instructions explain how to add this feature to the application.
  • Appendix lists additional information such as error messages.