Versatile Express 主板/母板规格参数文档
软件大小:783 KB | 软件性质: 免费软件 |
更新时间:2013/9/4 17:51:24 | 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP |
下载次数:8613 | 下载来源:完美体育·(中国)手机网页版科技 |
软件语言:英文 | 软件类别:ARM官方开发平台 > |
此主板有两组子板牛角连接器。它必须始终与处理器子板 Express 或软宏模型子板配对使用以提供主系统处理器。可以添加可选的逻辑子板 Express 板以提供自定义 IP 开发和验证功能。
- 配备各种有用的外设接口
- 适用于 Versatile Express 子板的拖放式 USB 驱动器配置机制
- 功能强大的启动监视器程序可以配置子板并启动应用软件映像
- 单元预先装载了 Debian Linux 安装程序
- 可以通过 RS232 端口远程控制系统电源并重置信号
- 紧凑独立的系统,携带方便并适合进行展示或客户部署
Versatile Express 主板规格参数手册内容摘要
The Versatile Express family development platform provides
an excellent environment for prototyping the next
generation of system-on-chip designs. Through a range of
plug-in daughterboards hardware and software applications
can be developed and debugged.
The Motherboard Express ATX is a motherboard especially
designed to support future generations of ARM processors,
starting with support for the Cortex -A9 processor. It
Evaluation of new ARM technology
System benchmarking
nOperating System ports
nCustomer Peripheral driver development
nEarly software development
nMicroATX Formfactor
- Use standard MicroATX case for expansion
nReduced size enclosure
- (W290mm x D260mm x H75mm)
nPeripheral set compatible with Versatile family
- EB, PB-11MPCore, PB-A8 and PBX
- Program Memory 128MB NOR Flash
nSimplified configuration of system
- USB Flash drive to PC
- Remote power cycling
- Fast programming and configuration
- Configuration file for system settings
- Support for automated/remote operation
nDaughterboard support
- Two daughterboards supported
(Processor and FPGA)
- AXI master and slave links between
- PCIe x8 Link Root Complex* or endpoint
- Multimedia Interface:
- Video* (165MHz pixel clock 1080p)
- Audio* SPDIF and I2S 8 channels
nPCI-Express slots for expansion
- Two x4 slots with an x4 Link implemented
- One x8 slot with an x4 Link implemented
- One x16 slot with an x4 Link implemented
nMotherboard in enclosure
n12V 60W 110-240V AC brick power supply
nPower Supply
- 60W 12V brick and ATX plug-in module
- Upgrade to ATX PSU if required for PCIe
nVersatile Express support CD/DVD
nBoot monitor software
- Retarget of C I/O libraries
nSelf Test software
- Peripheral driver example
nOS support*
- Linux Debian 2.6.28
- Symbian to follow
- WinCE to follow
* Features stated here will depend on the daughterboard used.