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完美体育·(中国)手机网页版 > 下载中心 > ARM软件工具 > Arm RVDS > RVDS 4.0 ARM Compiler for Scratchbox v1.0.11

RVDS 4.0 ARM Compiler for Scratchbox v1.0.11

软件大小:3.8 MB 软件性质: 免费软件
更新时间:2013/10/15 13:37:42 应用平台:Win9X/Win2000/WinXP
下载次数:8628 下载来源:完美体育·(中国)手机网页版科技
软件语言:英文 软件类别:ARM软件工具 > Arm RVDS

   = RealView Development Suite 4.0 ARM - Compiler plugin for Scratchbox =

This README file provides details on what is contained in armcc-pluginbuilder-v1.5.zip and how 
to use its contents in order to create ARM Compiler plugin for Scratchbox from an existing,
ARM RVDS v4.0 (or later) installation on Linux.

Contents of armcc_pluginbuilder-v1.5.zip:
- This text file

- Detailed application note describing the prerequisites, the wrapping procedure for 
creating ARM Compiler plugin for Scratchbox, and how to install the plugin into Scratchbox

- Perl Script that is used to drive the wrapping process

- The plugin holder containing separate files required for wrapping the ARM compiler into 
a plugin for Scratchbox. Do not unzip this file!

        - License agreement for this package

To create and install the ARM Compiler plugin for Scratchbox:
Unzip the contents of armcc_pluginbuilder-v1.5.zip into a directory and follow step by step 
instructions in DAI0221B_rvds_compiler_scratchbox.pdf.

   Please refer to DAI0221B_rvds_compiler_scratchbox.pdf for a list of frequently asked questions.