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技术文章 > ARM软件工具 > ARM DS-5 > DS-5旗舰版编译错误:ARMv8a is a valid option...或者ARM Compiler does not support

DS-5旗舰版编译错误:ARMv8a is a valid option...或者ARM Compiler does not support

文章来源:完美体育·(中国)手机网页版科技 发布日期:2021.1.19 浏览次数:5445
armclang: error: ARMv8a is a valid option but it is not supported by this variant of ARM Compiler (ARM Compiler 6.3 Professional) 
Please refer to the documentation to make sure you have selected the right tool variant for your license 
armclang: error: ARM Compiler does not support '--target=aarch64-arm-none-eabi'
ARMv8a is a valid option but it is not supported by this variant of ARM Compiler (DS-5 Professional 5.23.0 [5230020])


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